EP3 students have been working very hard this unit, learning how to use synonyms of the verb ''SAID'', fronted adverbials and time connectives to make their already fascinating stories even more interesting and intriguing. The students read the traditional story of The Three Little Pigs as well as The Three Little Wolves and a Big Bad Pig, watched the True Story of the Three Little Pigs and finally, wrote their own version of this traditional tale with a modern twist. Once completed, they edited their stories, drew the illustrations according to their story and assembled it all together, in a shape of a book.
Each student gifted one copy of their book to our ESLJ library and Ms Purger, our school librarian, who made it official. Each book got a bar code, so other students can also borrow the newly published book from the library.
Moreover, since it is a festive season, the students also wanted to show appreciation to our principal, Mrs Cankar, for all her hard work and gave her a copy of their book with personalized inscription and wished her happy holidays.
Now, when one would like to warm up to a good book, they have 8 more books to choose from.
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