Petra Vincetič, a psychologist, is our school counsellor.
The school counsellor works with students, parents, and teachers. She helps identify and work with students with special educational needs. She assists students with learning difficulties and also those facing personal or family challenges. Likewise, she helps students under stress and helps resolve conflicts in relationships with their peers. She assists teachers in addressing conflictual situations in the classroom and promotes their psychological literacy. Parents may turn to her for help with their children’s development, their study habits, and with behavioural and emotional problems.
Office hours:
Nursery and Primary Section – Monday from 8:00–9:00
Secondary Section – Wednesday 8:00–9:00
Telephone: +386 31 704 319
Conditions for obtaining athlete status:
In order to obtain athlete status, a promising student athlete must be registered with a national sport federation and compete in official competitions of that federation.
The conditions for becoming a student athlete and for other types of special status are set out in Article 2 of the Rules for Adapting School Obligations:
Instructions for obtaining athlete status:
Parents of the student seeking to obtain athlete status should:
1. At the start of the school year, parents fill in the application to make a written request explaining why the student needs special status as a top or prospective athlete. This application form is turned in to the school counsellor’s office.
2. The application form also includes: a) proof of membership in the sport club, b) proof from the athletic association, c) the training schedule, d) a list of expected tournament dates, and e) the certificate of “top athlete” status (if the student has this status).
3. Applications should be turned in by Sept. 15th. Any applications received after Sept. 30th will be rejected.
When the school receives the application, the principal seeks the opinion of the class teacher (P1 to P3) or the opinion of the class council (P4 through S4). Then the school issues a decision on whether to grant, extend or revoke athlete status based on fulfilment of the conditions required. A written agreement on adaptations to the student’s school obligations is issued. This written agreement goes into effect the day the student returns the agreement, signed by the parents, the student, and the sport club.
Adaptations to school obligations:
The decision to grant the student athlete status entails mutual rights and obligations connected with it. The school adaptations include:
- Attendance requirements are adapted to training and tournament schedules:
- The student’s academic obligations (lab work, assignments, required electives, excursions, and others) may be adapted if necessary;
- Assessment dates and methods may be adapted if necessary.
School obligations are adapted in line with the Rules for Adapting School Obligations:
School obligations are adapted in a written agreement that is signed by the principal, parents, student, and sport club.
Application for status as a prospective student athlete
Written agreement on adapting school obligations for a prospective student athlete
The European School pays particular attention to addressing learning and other difficulties as defined in the Placement of Children with Special Needs Act. This includes children with intellectual disabilities, children with speech and language impairments, blind or visually-impaired children, deaf or hearing-impaired children, those with physical disabilities, long-term illnesses, or deficits in specific learning areas, and those with autistic, emotional, and behavioural disorders that require individual education plans.
Our school offers support following a five-stage model (see Lidija Magajna et al., 2008, Koncept dela učne težave v osnovni šoli, ZRSŠ):
1. Teacher assistance during lessons (internal individualization and differentiation), whereby the school does not offer additional lessons or additional time at school.
The teacher is usually the first to notice learning difficulties and offer the student assistance by adapting the teaching and learning methods and forms of work during the lesson. The teacher monitors the student’s participation and progress, and evaluates the effectiveness of particular accommodations.
2. School counsellor’s assistance
If a student does not show progress during lessons even with accommodations, the teacher or parents may request the school counsellor’s assistance. If the student needs individualized treatment, the school counsellor’s office helps the teacher shape an original project of assistance, in which development in particular learning areas is planned. The school counsellor helps the teacher address learning difficulties and give advice regarding adapted methods and forms of work during the lesson.
3. Additional individual and group lessons
If a student’s learning difficulties continue despite the teacher’s adaptations and the school counsellor’s involvement, the student is also offer addition individual and group lessons. These may be taught by teachers, special education teachers, psychologists, teacher’s aides, or social pedagogy specialists.
4. Profession opinion and assistance from an external expert
If the first three steps do not bring about sufficient progress, the school can request additional assistance from an appropriately specialized professional organization (such as a counselling centre), or the parents may decide to have their child assessed and diagnosed by an external expert.
5. Programme with adapted content and additional professional assistance (Decision on Placement)
If it is apparent that the student needs more accommodations and assistance, the parents are advised to enrol the child in an education programme with adapted content and additional professional assistance. For the student, this represents a continuation of the original project of assistance, but with more accommodations and assistance. The additional professional assistance is provided by psychologists, teachers’ aides, special education teachers or social pedagogy specialists, based on what is specified in the Decision. The Decision may also specify that the room, learning aids or materials, and sometimes also assessments of the student’s learning may be modified.
If a student is placed in an education and training programme with adapted content and additional professional assistance, the child may receive the follow types of professional assistance:
· Learning help
· Help in overcoming deficits or disorders
· Counselling services
Counselling services are intended to guarantee a supportive environment for the student, parents, education professionals, and school employees.
If you would like more information on the placement process, please contact the school counsellor’s office (031 704 319). You may also go to the National Education Institute website and look under “Usmerjanje otrok s posebnimi potrebami” (Placement of Children with Special Needs).
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