During the school year 2022/23 ESLj hosted several groups of teachers from different European countries who came to observe the work of the teachers, pupils participation and multiculturalism of our school. We are proud to say that all the visiting teachers were welcomed by pupils and teachers who were native speakers of their language. Their visits enriched our school work, gave us an insight into different school systems and provided an opportunity for further international networking and cooperation.
In March, we hosted a group of 10 Italian teachers from Agliana. They observed lessons at primary level and our approach to multilingualism. From 22 to 26 May, we hosted a group of three French teachers interested in working with SEN pupils at primary level. At the end of May, two teachers from Hungary accompanied the social studies and foreign languages lessons at secondary level. After their visit, they shared their impressions, part of which you can read below.
Visiting this school was a great experience for both of us. Even though it was a short visit, the cooperation of teachers and the enthusiasm of students was obvious from the very beginning. We are convinced that many of your students are already prepared for challenges of the first EBacs. Many thanks to all colleagues who let us observe what and how they teach. We really appreciated all the tips, ideas and resources shared with us.
By the end of our programme, we realised that our schools have quite a few things in common. So here is a standing invitation to you: despite the distance and the differences in school profiles, we are happy to welcome you and your students in Debrecen any time. Besides strengthening European values, we might have the chance to build new educational and cultural links between Slovenia and Hungary – two neighbouring countries.
János Kapusi, Erika Kiss
DSZC Bethlen Gábor Secondary School of Economics
Debrecen, Hungary
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