"How can children make a change?" was this year's driving question, aimed at inspiring the students of ESLj to be a catalyst of change as they celebrated World Children's Day on the 23rd of November.
The dedicated teachers went above and beyond by providing the students a variety of engaging workshops which ranged from Team-building activities, Arts and Crafts, Music, Kindness and Mindfulness Exercises.
Despite the challenges brought by the pandemic, the school community succeeded in being united through a Graffiti Wall, a collaborative display where each student from Nursery to Secondary took part in sharing their thoughts through a colorful wall of handprints, as if to say "All hands in to make a change!" with the hope that written intentions such as "Being kind to others", "Sharing my toys" and "Fighting for equality" turn into action. True to Malala Yousafzai's words "One child. One teacher. One book. One pen. Can change the world."
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