Thursday, May 16th
At 7:50 am,am, we all gathered at the Agliana train station, where we took a train to Florence. There, we started the day off with a guided tour of the city, which was very interesting as we learned a lot about the older buildings of the city. During the tour, we stopped for a snack next to the Uffizi Gallery. After the snack, we continued the tour of the city and finished next to the Santa Cruz, which is the church where famous artists such as Leonardo da Vinci and Michelangelo are buried. For the following thirty minutes, we had time to shop for souvenirs or ice cream. The others went back to the train, while our Slovene group stayed a little longer in town. As a class, we decided that the Lego shop was our biggest priority, so we went there first, bought a few more things, and then went to a nearby restaurant for lunch. After the meal, we went to the market, split up into groups, and bought some more things. After all that, we went to the train station and headed back to Agliana. Our hosts were waiting for us at the station when we arrived, and they took us home. (J.)
Friday, May 17th
In the morning, at 7:50, we met up with other Erasmus students in the auditorium. After a few minutes, our class went into a separate room to have a final revision of the song that we were later to present in front of the school. After that, we went to another school to make seed bombs. Before we got to make the seed bombs, two friendly teachers read us a story about the cycle of a plant throughout the year. When that was finished, we went to the school gym and had an interactive activity where we had to complete an obstacle course in teams and hopefully be the first. The next 30 minutes we spent in the school park throwing seed bombs and hanging out with friends. The next thing we did was walk back to the auditorium and later have a snack outside. After a snack, all Erasmus students gathered in the auditorium to begin the closing ceremony. This ceremony started with a speech from a teacher saying how she was thankful for us to be here and thankful that we had so many good moments together. Then every group, including us, presented their own song that they had been practicing for the past week. The last thing that was part of the ceremony was seeing who had won a competition for advertising our project. We won with 3000 votes, which made us really happy. The other groups' logos were very impressive too. Last but not least, our host picked us up, and we went home to eat lunch. (A)
Saturday, May 18th
We were sad and disappointed when we woke up because we knew we would leave soon. After eating breakfast and packing all of our stuff, we headed to the train station. We spent our last few minutes with our families, remembering all the good things that happened in this amazing week. Saying goodbye was hard, and some of us were heartbroken when we stepped on the train. After some time, we made ourselves feel better by chatting with each other. When we arrived at the train station in Florence, we went to the stores and bought some supplies for the next train. In no time, we were already on the train towards Venice. We enjoyed the ride because we were doing a lot of fun stuff. When we arrived in Venice, we ate a big lunch because we were starving after a long trip. After that, we went to the bus station, where we received an unpleasant surprise. The bus was delayed for 30 minutes. We were all disappointed. Our morale dropped again. After waiting, we finally stepped on the bus. We were exhausted from the long trip, but a bunch of us got a burst of energy, and we spent our last hours talking, laughing, and having fun. In no time, we were in Ljubljana. (O.)
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