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School Sharing

Today, we began with presentations of Erasmus activities from each school. Our students showcased their healthy snack recipes and exchanged ideas with their peers, learning creative recipes from Italy, Wales, and Greece.

At lunchtime, we experienced the warm hospitality of our Greek hosts. Students and teachers from the Big Bang School prepared a delicious lentil soup in an open-fire kettle in the schoolyard. We enjoyed this international outdoor meal, accompanied by traditional Greek music—and even had the chance to learn the sirtaki dance!

In the afternoon, our students had a brilliant time working in five mixed groups, each with representatives from the different schools. Each country taught their favourite games to the others. Although everyone was a little hesitant at first, it only took one round to break the ice. Before long, the yard was filled with laughter and excitement. Hands were tickled, eyes were covered, balloons were tied and stomped on, “rotten eggs” were placed, and atomic tag led to plenty of spirited rock-paper-scissors matches.

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